Best practice guide on involving young people in trade unions

23 Feb 2017

230217_Young peopleA joint ETUFs project funded by the European Commission has delivered a compendium of best practices from all over Europe on how to integrate young people into trade unions. The experiences were collected through questionnaires and interviews carried out among young unionists and workers represented by six European trade union federations. Young people need to be the driving force of the change and this publication offers inspiration on how to involve and attract more young workers and unionists.

The labour market is in continuous evolution and where young workers in particular are increasingly facing precariousness if not unemployment, the renovation of trade unions is imperative in order to respond and to be able to properly address the new challenges ahead.

The EU funded project called “Empowering the integration of younger workers in the European Metal, Transport, Food, Services, Construction and Wood Industries” aimed at giving the possibility to young workers and young trade unionists to meet and share their best practices on the involvement of youth into their trade unions, discuss challenges, prepare recommendations to improve the situation and plan and implement common actions. Through interviews, a conference and workshops young workers from all over Europe and across all the industry sectors – represented by the six European Trade Union  Federations (ETUFs) EFBWW, EFFAT, EPSU, ETF, IndustriAll Europe and UniEuropa – were able to put together a booklet which gathers best practices, concerns and recommendations.