ETF Civil Aviation Section – Statement on ‘Redefining the future of aviation’

21 Oct 2022

One month after the ETF’s largest-ever conference dedicated to aviation workers, the Civil Aviation Section (CAS) members approved a statement presenting workers’ critical demands for the sector to move forward after the 2022 summer crisis while still trying to recover after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Endorsed in unanimity by the CAS members, the ETF CAS statement points out, ‘the industry has proven itself incapable of transforming itself to achieve a position where it can provide employment sustainable and stable enough to function. 

Here are some of ETF CAS’ key conditions for the industry to fundamentally change and become a sector for the benefit of people working within the industry, the citizens, and the business:

–              All companies and organisations within aviation should be subject to stress testing for financial and operational resilience.

–              Companies and organisations failing to meet operational levels will have their right to operate within the sectors or sub-sectors reviewed and or fines levied.

–              All contracts and pricing will be subject to minimal levels

–              The social costs within the industry should be split/supported by all stakeholders who benefit from the associated services, whether through private or public means.

–              Sectoral collective bargaining is the only way to get operational resilience, service levels and standards, or driving safety and compliance.

At our September Aviation Conference ‘Redefining the future of aviation, almost 160 participants representing over 300,000 aviation workers across Europe bluntly said: it is the last chance for the lawmakers and employers to finally acknowledge there is no recovery in the aviation industry without aviation workers.