ETF demonstrates against the 4th Railway Package

24 Feb 2014

European railway workers gather in Strasbourg to call for quality railway services

On Tuesday the 25th of February, the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) organises a demonstration in front of the European Parliament in Strasbourg. The ETF calls the Members of the European Parliament not to ignore the voice of the railway workers when discussing and voting on the 4th Railway Package in the plenary.

Since the European Commission published its proposals of the 4th Railway Package, the ETF made clear that further liberalisation and fragmentation in the sector has to be rejected because it will undermine the accessibility, affordability and quality of railway passenger services.

The European railway workers stand together to defend the railways
The ETF will bring to Strasbourg railway workers from several countries. “We have already received confirmations of delegations from Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom” said Sabine Trier, ETF Deputy General Secretary.  She added: “despite national situations that can partially differ from country to country, the European railway workers are united in rejecting a package that disregards the social impact of introducing further liberalisation and fragmentation in the European railways. This is unacceptable.

The 4th Railway Package will not benefit the railways, the passengers and the workers
We do not want to see the railways turned into another opportunity for private actors to make profits” stressed Guy Greivelding, ETF Railway Section President. “What is needed are affordable, accessible, quality railway services for the people and this 4th Railway Package will not bring any of this. There is a direct link between quality of the services and the quality of the jobs: enhanced competition will inevitably lead to cost-cutting measures that put increased pressure on working conditions and employment”, he added. “Railway passengers services are a public service and the Members of the European Parliament should better preserve them as such” he concluded.

European railway workers will be outside the European Parliament on the 25th of February while the Members of the Parliament will discuss and vote on the 4th Railway Package. The ETF and its affiliates will watch carefully their voting behaviour, also in view of the upcoming European elections.

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