ETF launches campaign to end violence against women in transport

26 Nov 2018

25 November 2018 marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. On this occasion, the ETF has launched the campaign Stronger Together Ending violence against women in transport.

The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness on gender-based violence in transport, and help social partners conclude better policies addressing the issue at company level. The target group are social partners at company and sector level, in all transport sectors.

The campaign builds on the findings of the ETF survey on gender-based workplace violence in transport which revealed alarming incidents of violence against women transport workers by colleagues, managers and customers. More than 1400 women transport workers from across Europe shared their experience of workplace violence and harassment. One in four said it is a regular occurrence in the transport sector.

“A few years ago, when I worked as a flight attendant I was a subject to constant sexist jokes and invitations with sexual subtext, considering it part of the job. Although dealt with the situation successfully, I did not like it at all.”

– Civil aviation worker

“Several incidents: slapped on the behind by Master when I was a junior officer; grabbed by the collar and shouted at by the Chief Officer; unwanted sexual advances from various crew members – pestering for personal contact details from offshore …”

– Seafarer

 “[One passenger said] ‘No, not a girl driving, girls can’t drive a bus … shouldn’t you be at home taking care of your husband and children?’”

– Urban public transport worker

This is not acceptable. Violence should never be ‘part of the job’ and has no place in the transport industry. Every women transport workers has the right to a safe and fair workplace.

Working together, workers and employers, women and men, we can create a workplace culture of respect and equality

You will find more information and the campaign materials on the campaign webpage.