Issue: Social Dumping

Hundreds Rally in Strasbourg Urging EU to End Exploitation in Subcontracting Chains

More than 700 workers united today in front of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, to call upon the EU institutions to take urgent action to stop exploitation in subcontracting chains and labour intermediation. Hundreds of transport workers participated with their unions, coming from all over Europe to send a clear message to the newly appointed EU Commission.

18 Sep 2024

ETF Unites for the Second Annual European Day Against Driver Fatigue

ETF hosted its second annual European Day Against Driver Fatigue. This day of action, held on the longest day of the year, continued the momentum built by the inaugural campaign in 2023, bringing attention to the critical issue of driver fatigue in the road transport sector. Coordinated with ETF affiliates across Europe, the event underscored the demanding conditions that professional drivers endure daily.

24 Jun 2024

EU Talent Pool Proposal gives green light to more Grafenhausen-like cases

The European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) wants to expose the fundamental threat posed by the European Commission’s “Talent Pool” proposal to the integrity of transport sectors and the rights of workers. As the Council of Ministers inches closer to a potential agreement under the Belgian Presidency as early as 10 June, the ETF mobilises in a bid to halt this progression without listening to Unions.

Press Release
7 Jun 2024

Opinion: Third country drivers in road transport: the new wave of social dumping

The road transport sector in Europe plays a vital role in supporting the economy, facilitating commerce, and ensuring connectivity. However, this critical industry hides a troubling reality of exploitation, precarity, human rights abuses, and unfair competition. The latest wave of exploitation targets third-country nationals: drivers recruited from non-European countries under questionable arrangements and precarious conditions, as part of a business model where they are employed in countries where they never actually work.

15 May 2024

EU Land Transport Labour Market: A Critical Examination of Trends and Policy Implications

Two years ago, the ETF launched a project to look in more detail at the roots of the above trends. Three reports – on road, rail and urban public transport were developed within the frame of the project to cast light on how liberalisation and market-opening policies led to undesirable effects that put at stake the very goals and objectives set by the same policymakers.

8 May 2024

ETF and IRU Call for EU Action on Third-country Driver Rights and Conditions

Europe’s road transport social partners, IRU and ETF, today signed and handed over their road transport social partners joint declaration on creating a European framework to improve the working conditions of third-country drivers employed by EU-based companies to EU Jobs and Social Rights Commissioner Nicolas Schmit.

Press Release
19 Apr 2024

EFBWW, EFFAT and ETF join forces to Combat Labour Exploitation in Subcontracting Chains and Labour intermediation

EFBWW, EFFAT, and ETF have joined forces to confront the common challenges of abusive subcontracting, unregulated labour intermediaries, and insufficient enforcement of existing workers’ rights within their sectors. These issues underpin high levels of social dumping and labour crime, unequal treatment in the workplace, low wages, unrecorded working hours, disrespect for health and safety rules, and labour exploitation, especially towards migrant and mobile workers.

Press Release
9 Apr 2024