ITF backs workers in Europe

11 Apr 2014

110414_ETF ITF demonstration

ITF and ETF representatives and affiliates demonstrated alongside thousands of workers in Brussels to demand decent jobs for Europe last week. The demonstration was part of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) campaign, A new path for Europe.

The ETUC says that workers across Europe continue to experience economic and social uncertainty five years after the recession hit the continent. The campaign seeks to raise issues around employment and socially progressive policies, so these will be at the front of voters’ minds in the run up to May’s European Parliament elections.

Key ETUC demands include quality employment, an end to austerity, and social justice as important areas for members of the European Parliament to tackle.

ITF and ETF-affiliated unions from countries including Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Norway, Spain and the UK took part in the demonstration.

ETF general secretary, Eduardo Chagas, said: “The massive mobilisation of workers at the ETUC demonstration shows that people are, rightfully, concerned about the choices the European institutions have made in their attempt to tackle the crisis and its consequences. Together with the ETF, thousands of workers from all over Europe have come to Brussels to demand a new path for Europe, one that takes workers’ concerns into account and focuses on investment in sustainable growth and quality jobs.  In the run-up to the European elections in May, this is an important message for the future European Parliament and European Commission. In its fight for a better, social and cohesive Europe, the ETF will continue to promote this message over the coming months.”