Social Partners Release Joint Recommendations on Women’s Employment in UPT

4 Apr 2014

On 8 April 2014 the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) and the International Association of Public Transport (UITP) signed Joint Recommendations on strengthening women’s employment in urban public transport.

Our common aim: Increasing the share of women working in urban public transport companies up to at least 25% by 2020 and to 40% in 2035. In 2011 the European average value was 17.5%, so our targets are ambitious!

The European social partners’ recommendations encourage public transport stakeholders to address the barriers faced by women in the sector (the most common of which are gender stereotypes). They should:

  • Develop women-friendly recruitment, training and retention policies which offer clear objectives and development opportunities
  • Offer variable and suitable working conditions for a better reconciliation of work and social life
  • Analyse the scale of the salary gap between men and women.
  • Tackle the effects of a masculine working culture.

Read the UITP-ETF Joint Recommendations and use them as a tool when negotiating with employers.