Who are the Managerial and Professional Staff in Transport?

1 Mar 2008

The ETF and its affiliates agree that organising the ever-increasing number of Managerial and Professional Staff (MPS) in the transport sector must be a priority for trade unions. However, these workers are quite different from traditional blue collar staff.

What roles do they occupy? How is their relationship with their employers? What can trade unions do to engage them?

These are the questions covered in a research report produced by the ETF within the EU-funded MASTER project.

This project aimed to make ETF affiliates aware of this growing reality. Trade unions need information about the number of MPS in the transport sector, and their expectations, problems, challenges. The project also provided ETF affiliates with a clearer picture of MPS’ expectations from trade unions with a view to foster a higher degree of trade union membership among managers and professionals.

One key objective of the project was the development of a study providing statistical data on MPS in the transport sector, complemented by a qualitative survey (questionnaire and interviews) of MPS’ experiences at work and their expectation towards trade unions. These findings were published in a report for future use by ETF members.

The project was financially supported by the European Commission and an external consultant was selected to conduct the study, namely the Laboratoire d’Histoire Economique Sociale et des Techniques at the Université d’Evry Val d’Essonne, France.