“Fair transport remains an objective, rather than a reality” – ETF brings together key stakeholders in discussion on sustainability To kick off Sustainable Transport Days, the ETF brought together key players in EU transport and beyond to reflect on the future of these industries. News 11 Mar 2021
Coming home for Christmas: transport workers need guarantees, or essential goods will not reach the destination! The ETF calls on the UK Government, the European Commission and national governments to come up with clear guarantees for truck drivers to return from the UK, and seafarers to be able to take part in crew changes. News 21 Dec 2020
ETF affiliates commit to continued Europe-wide fight for fair transport Union responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and a strong recovery that puts social first were at the heart of discussions when ETF affiliates came together online last week. News 2 Dec 2020
European trade unions call for more democracy at work The ETUC and ETUFs handed over a petition for more democracy at work to the European Commissioner Nicolas Schmit and MEPs, calling for concrete and rapid actions to guarantee the effective enforcement and compliance of workers’ rights to be informed, consulted and to participate in decision-making before any decision is adopted. News 26 Nov 2020
Open letter to EU: ‘Show you care – Keep facilities open in parking areas for professional drivers!’ The ETF has addressed an open letter to EU member states on behalf of trade union member organisations representing professional drivers; calling on on national authorities across Europe to keep restaurants, cafes and sanitary facilities open in parking areas. The well-being of our drivers depends on it! Statement 29 Oct 2020
Fair recovery: only if we reform transport policies! Taking the floor at a panel discussion at ETUC’s annual European Works Council conference, Livia Spera, General Secretary of European Transport Workers’ Federation denounced the many transport companies taking advantage of the crisis to lower working terms and conditions and disrespecting social dialogue and consultation rights at all levels. News 10 Sep 2020
EU road freight sector needs investments in a socially sustainable, innovative, fair and better future! In a letter to EU Transport Commissioner Adina-Ioana Vălean, the ETF Road Transport Section calls for a fair and sustainable deployment of the EU recovery instruments and emphasises the need for investments in a socially sustainable, innovative, fair and better future for road freight transport. News 31 Aug 2020
Letter to EU Transport Commissioner: The EU road freight sector needs investment in a socially sustainable, innovative, fair and better future resource 31 Aug 2020