Fishing capacity ceilings have to be reviewed to bring the sector closer to social and environmental sustainability

10 Nov 2020

The Common Fisheries Policies’ current rules about fishing capacity are an obstacle to vessel improvements that would improve safety and working conditions, and move the industry closer to the European Green Deal goals.

The European social partners for the sea fisheries sector believe that the fishing capacity rules need to be adapted to reflect the reality of the sector. The revision should have as its goal an eradication of accidents at work, improvement of safety and working conditions, and modernisation of the sector – allowing for changes that would improve environmental sustainability, as well as attract more young workers.

Social partners addressed a letter to Commissioner Sinkevičius, asking to have an in-depth discussion on the topic to explore possible alternative ways to measure fishing capacity and entry/exit scheme to give an incentive for modernisation of vessels while maintaining strict control on fishing capacity.

The letter containing more details on the evidence showing the urgent need for change is available here.