News May 13, 2024 Train of Remembrance: A Journey of Reflection and Resistance Never again, nowhere. Last week, the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung EU Office (FES Europa) organised an initiative called the “Train of Remembrance.” This 3-day pedagogical journey aimed to educate and empower young trade unionists by reflecting on the harrowing impact of the far-right Nazi regime during the 1940s in Germany, particularly the atrocities of the Holocaust that claimed over 6 million lives.
Publication May 8, 2024 EU Land Transport Labour Market: A Critical Examination of Trends and Policy Implications Two years ago, the ETF launched a project to look in more detail at the roots of the above trends. Three reports – on road, rail and urban public transport were developed within the frame of the project to cast light on how liberalisation and market-opening policies led to undesirable effects that put at stake the very goals and objectives set by the same policymakers.
Statement May 7, 2024 Joint EU Trade Union statement toward the Council negotiation on the revision of the European Works Council Directive European Trade Union Federations have issued a joint letter strongly criticizing the European employers’ organizations for their opposition to the proposed revision of the European Works Council (EWC) Directive. The unions argue that the employers’ stance demonstrates a lack of understanding of the EWC Directive and a lack of effort to support policy-making based on evidence. They call on the Council to ensure that EWCs are given sufficient and enforceable rights, as well as the necessary resources to exercise them.
News April 29, 2024 Navigating Crisis in Civil Aviation: Insights from Meeting in Helsinki On April 25th-26th, representatives from various civil aviation unions met in Helsinki for an intensive training session led by Kris Major, Chair of the Joint Aircrew Committee and representative of the UK’s union Unite. The training was aimed at “bringing the crisis guide to life”, infusing it with the collective experience and insight of the attendees. This guide will eventually serve as a comprehensive collection of guidelines to equip union representatives with the essential skills and support to navigate crises adequately.
News April 23, 2024 Empowering Women in Transport: A Crucial Battle for Rights and Representation In a pivotal seminar held in Milan on April 10th 2024, more than 70 women from 15 countries assembled to confront the challenges faced by women in the transport sector amidst the backdrop of the growing far-right movement in Europe. The seminar welcomed not just union leaders but workers and workplace representatives from all over Europe, notably with a significant presence of Italian workplace delegates. In light of the upcoming European elections, the discourse focused on the indispensable role of women in leading the fight for equality and justice in the transport sector.
News April 22, 2024 Standing still in Solidarity: Workers in the Transport Sector Call for Safer Working Conditions Across the Netherlands on Saturday, trams, buses, metros, and trains came to a standstill for a few minutes. This pause was not due to technical issues or scheduling conflicts; rather, a symbolic protest the rising tide of violence faced by transportation workers. It’s a call to action by trade unions and companies to ensure a safer working condition. The national railways (NS) along with most public transport companies all stopped for three minutes on Saturday night at 10.30pm.
Statement April 22, 2024 ETF, CER and UITP Joint Statement on EU Economic Governance Reform ETF, UITP and CER issued a joint statement, highlighting that achieving the EU’s ambitious climate goals, particularly those related to transport emissions, hinges on significant investments in rail and urban public transport. The existing modal shift objectives established by the EU cannot be realistically achieved without a strong focus on these sectors.
Press Release April 19, 2024 ETF and IRU Call for EU Action on Third-country Driver Rights and Conditions Europe’s road transport social partners, IRU and ETF, today signed and handed over their road transport social partners joint declaration on creating a European framework to improve the working conditions of third-country drivers employed by EU-based companies to EU Jobs and Social Rights Commissioner Nicolas Schmit.
News April 18, 2024 Advocating for Fair and Sustainable Rail Freight in Europe In a roundtable discussion on the future of goods transport at the European Parliament, the perspectives of railway workers, various European industries and policymakers came together. The conversation, organized by MEP René Repasi in collaboration of ETF, centered around the challenges and opportunities the rail freight sector faces in Europe. The event saw a vibrant exchange of input and positions calling for consistency in policy making, as well as highlighting the importance of the rail freight sector.
Statement April 12, 2024 Solidarity with Logistics workers in France! ETF stands in solidarity with logistics workers and their unions in France following the national mobilisation that began on April 2 for the entire logistics sector. This national movement follows on from a local grassroots action at ID Logistics, an international contract logistics group based in France, with a revenue of €2,747 million (2023).
Press Release April 9, 2024 EFBWW, EFFAT and ETF join forces to Combat Labour Exploitation in Subcontracting Chains and Labour intermediation EFBWW, EFFAT, and ETF have joined forces to confront the common challenges of abusive subcontracting, unregulated labour intermediaries, and insufficient enforcement of existing workers’ rights within their sectors. These issues underpin high levels of social dumping and labour crime, unequal treatment in the workplace, low wages, unrecorded working hours, disrespect for health and safety rules, and labour exploitation, especially towards migrant and mobile workers.
News April 8, 2024 Scrap of fuel taxation exemptions for fisheries can kill the sector The European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) is sounding the alarm over the potential inclusion of fishing fuels under the revised Energy Taxation Directive. The ETF, alongside other European organizations representing the entire fisheries sector value chain, has sent a joint letter to the European Parliament and national authorities urging them to exempt fishing from the Directive’s scope.