Press Release November 23, 2021 Minimum conditions for social certification in the seafood supply chain ETF and Europêche agreed on the fundamental principle that private labels can never go below the internationally recognised social standards set in ILO Convention C188.
Press Release April 29, 2021 Fishers call for priority access to the COVID-19 vaccine ETF and Europêche call on the European Commission to support Member States in developing a specific COVID-19 vaccination protocol for fishers, adapting and prioritizing access to the vaccine.
News November 10, 2020 Fishing capacity ceilings have to be reviewed to bring the sector closer to social and environmental sustainability Social partners call for a revision of the current fishing capacity rules to allow for improvements in safety and working conditions and move the industry closer to the European Green Deal goals.
Press Release November 5, 2020 Without fishers, there’s no fishing At a plenary meeting, the EU Social Partners in the Fisheries Sector – Europêche, Cogeca and ETF – welcomed the presentation of the parliamentary draft report “Fishers for the future: Attracting a new generation of labour to the fishing industry and generating employment in coastal communities” of the MEP Manuel Pizarro. While acknowledging the report as an important step in the right direction, social partners call on the policy-makers to recognize the key social dimension of fishing, thus improving the health and safety of fishers and attracting youth to the sector.
Event October 29, 2019 Social Partners discuss international regulations in fisheries with the Spanish authorities On 23 October ETF and Europêche met with the representatives of the Spanish government to discuss the ratification of international instruments concerning the work in the fishing sector. Social Partners also discussed the progress of their joint project ‘Pillars of the Sea 2’.
Event June 13, 2019 Pillars of the Sea 2 – Kick off meeting ETF and Europêche will work together on a range of projects to guarantee safer and better work for fishers: guidelines for medical examinations and the recruitment of migrant fishers, an updated Fishery Speak app, and lobbying governments to follow international rules.
Event November 8, 2018 Fishers’ health and safety centre stage in the European Parliament We co-hosted an event with our social partner for fisheries and an MEP. We presented our legal proposals for a safer, healthier and more worker-friendly fisheries sector in Europe.
News April 25, 2018 A social fisheries policy for Europe: ETF pushes Commission to protect migrant fishers and implement social partner agreements
Event December 1, 2017 ETF discusses social dialogue and unionization in the fisheries sector with delegation from Thailand