Urban public Transport

Romania: Stop union-busting in Bucharest metro!

Join us in telling Metrorex and the Romanian government they must respect basic labour rights: collective bargaining and social dialogue! Say no to union busting in Bucharest metro! Sign our LabourStart campaign!       

1 Jul 2021

ETF’s take on the Sustainable Urban Mobility Package

ETF’s position highlights key demands, our vision of the role of public transport, the role of EU decision-makers and public authorities, our take on Smart Mobility and the need for fair conditions in the sector.

17 Nov 2020

Digital Transformation and Social Dialogue in Urban Public Transport in Europe – Final Conference

European Social Partners in Urban Public Transport held the final conference of their joint project ‘Digital Transformation and Social Dialogue in Urban Public Transport in Europe’. Discussions during the final conference revolved around the presentation of the research results and the future joint recommendations of ETF and UITP with all parties highlighting the importance of an inclusive and participatory approach to digital transformation.

22 Oct 2020

Solidarity with public transport workers striking in Germany

Public transport workers all over Germany have gone on strike to fight for fair working conditions. ETF stands in solidarity! ver.di has been calling for a national framework collective bargaining agreement since March, but VKA has spoken out against negotiations despite ver.di’s justified demands.

29 Sep 2020