Projects March 11, 2021 Fair and sustainable waterborne transport in Europe ETF maritime transport, inland navigation, dockers and fisheries sections build human-centred responses to global threats. Ongoing
Issues September 11, 2020 No Automation & Digitalisation without Negotiation! Workers and their unions must be involved in the processes that implement technological developments to ensure that they are fair and that no worker is left behind!
Issues September 11, 2020 Green and Social Transport Social issues and environmental concerns are two sides of the same coin. Fighting social dumping and climate action is one and the same struggle. Ongoing
Projects July 3, 2020 EADT – ETF Automation and Digitalisation Toolkit The overall aim of the project is to give the ETF-affiliated transport unions concrete tools to address the challenges caused by automation and digitalisation for European transport workers. This will be achieved by compiling an ETF Automation & Digitalisation Toolkit (EADT).
Projects July 13, 2019 Training tomorrow’s representatives for maritime port workers The training sessions will provide an insight into the complex economic and financial decision-making processes in the maritime and port industries.
Campaign September 22, 2018 Fair Transport for Europe Our campaign for dignity at work. No to social dumping and wage exploitation in transport!
Campaign August 6, 2018 Lashing is Dockers' Work! Lashing is a complex and hazardous task in ports, but a vital one to ensure that cargo, ships and seafarers reach their destination safely. That is why seafarers’ collective bargaining agreements signed by the ITF and its affiliate unions include a clause stating that lashing can only be done by qualified dockers unless otherwise agreed by the local dockers’ unions. Ongoing
Campaign August 6, 2018 Young Dockers Young workers must become active in their unions. This is why the ETF Dockers’ Section started working in cooperation with the ETF Youth Committee on activating a network of young dockers in international union work.
Projects July 27, 2018 Training and qualification systems in the EU port sector Training and qualifications are a core topic for the ETF Dockers’ Section. This project gathered and disseminated knowledge on the different training and qualification systems in place in the EU, making ETF and our affiliates leading experts on the issue. We also organised debates with our partners, such as port authorities and operators, along with training centres and institutional actors.
Projects July 27, 2018 Changing Ports Ports are changing. Bigger ships, shifting trade patterns and new technologies. But what does this mean for European port workers?