Projects August 31, 2021 Mapping of Maritime Professionals – Towards a full-scale European data collection system European Social Partners ETF and ECSA set out on EU-wide project “MapMar” to breach the many gaps and inconsistencies in the way data on employment of maritime professionals is collected.
Issues September 11, 2020 No Automation & Digitalisation without Negotiation! Workers and their unions must be involved in the processes that implement technological developments to ensure that they are fair and that no worker is left behind!
Projects July 3, 2020 EADT – ETF Automation and Digitalisation Toolkit The overall aim of the project is to give the ETF-affiliated transport unions concrete tools to address the challenges caused by automation and digitalisation for European transport workers. This will be achieved by compiling an ETF Automation & Digitalisation Toolkit (EADT).
Issues July 15, 2019 Digitalisation in shipping: a human-centred approach ETF favours a human-centred and sustainable approach to digitalisation and automation in the shipping industry.
Projects July 13, 2019 Training tomorrow’s representatives for maritime port workers The training sessions will provide an insight into the complex economic and financial decision-making processes in the maritime and port industries.
Campaign September 22, 2018 Fair Transport for Europe Our campaign for dignity at work. No to social dumping and wage exploitation in transport!
Campaign September 18, 2018 Defending Europe’s tug and towboat workers Workers in the tug industry face specific challenges at the intersection of docks, seafaring and inland waterways.