COVID-19: Finnish train guard speaks out

Railway workers are on the frontline and are in constant contact with passengers: “It’s scary for us all to work at the moment in these dirty trains with all the bacteria running around. Drivers are scared to touch the buttons and the driving table. We can’t go to visit them anymore. Conductors are scared to get COVID-19 from passengers or give it to them”.

Worker's Story
31 Mar 2020

COVID-19: Joint Maritime Transport Social Partners’ letter

Maritime transport Social Partners – ETF and ECSA – sent a letter to the Ministers of Transport ahead of the meeting of European Union Transport Ministers on the implications of COVID-19 on transport.

In view of the vital importance of shipping and related services for the EU and its citizens, ECSA and ETF call on the European Commission and the Member States to take decisive and assertive action in facilitating the supply chains and seafarer travel, providing much-needed support to the industry and workforce.

18 Mar 2020

COVID-19: Transport workers need protection and Europe needs to act now!

ETF is now once again calling upon the Commission to take concrete action to protect Europe’s transport workers as new developments arise every day. Reports received from around Europe show that some employers are not taking the pandemic seriously, and are putting workers in danger with their failure to act appropriately.

13 Mar 2020

Thank you for keeping Europe moving!

The crisis caused by COVID-19 is taking a huge toll on the transport workers of Europe. ETF General Secretary Livia Spera highlighted the obstacles transport workers are faced with, in a video message.

12 Mar 2020