Press Release March 16, 2023 EU rail experts, ETF and CER, call for safe and feasible Train Drivers Directive Revision ETF and CER have issued a joint recommendation for the revision of the Train Drivers Directive outlining suggestions for a certification scheme and communication approach that ensures railway safety, operational efficiency, and workers’ health and safety.
Statement December 5, 2022 Joint Statement by ETF and CER on the Revision of the Train Drivers Directive Safety must be key in the revision of the Train Drivers Directive.
News September 19, 2022 Social partner project on employability in rail confirms workers must take centre stage in digital transition The ETF and CER EU social partner report: Employability in the Rail Sector in Light of Digitalisation and Automation explores how to maintain employability in the face of the digital transition, with the human factor taking centre stage.
Press Release November 5, 2021 Women in Rail Agreement signed and ready for implementation ETF and CER have officially signed the Women in Rail autonomous agreement aimed at promoting employment of women in the sector, marking its entry into force.
Press Release July 1, 2021 Women in Rail – Provisional EU Social Partner Agreement reached Social partners ETF and CER reached a provisional agreement in the final round of negotiations at EU level for a binding agreement aimed at promoting employment of women in the sector.
Press Release May 18, 2021 Women in Rail – EU-level negotiations between social partners resume Today, the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF), representing employees, and the Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER), representing railway sector employers, resumed negotiations at EU-level for a binding agreement aimed at promoting women’s employment in the sector.
News December 18, 2020 Strengthening the railway sector and supporting railway workers is an investment in a green and social future European social partners in rail, ETF and CER, issued a joint declaration, expressing gratitude to railway workers who worked throughout the pandemic and recognising the key role the sector can play in a green and social future.
News November 6, 2019 Celebrating 20 Years of Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee & looking forward Railway social partners and the Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER) gathered with ETF for the annual plenary meeting of the Rail Sectoral Social Dialogue. Social partners negotiated their joint work programme for the next two years and agreed to focus on women’s employment and equal opportunities in the railway sector, ensuring railway safety in an open and competitive market, working and resting time rules, and employability in the light of digitalisation and automation.
News October 16, 2019 Rail social partners start negotiations on agreement to promote women’s employment Women account for less than 20% of the railway workforce, a figure that is alarmingly below the 46% participation rate of women in the labour market. Railway companies and trade unions are convinced that the situation needs to change in order to avoid missing out on the valuable contribution of women, to promote diversity at the workplace, and eventually harmonise the railway sector’s image with the reality of the society in which rail customers live.
News July 5, 2019 It’s all on track for women in rail! Social partners ETF and CER have given a green light for the start of negotiations on an autonomous agreement about women in rail. Meeting at the Rail Social Dialogue Steering Committee, the two organisations also discussed working conditions for mobile workers engaged in cross-border rail services.
News November 16, 2018 European social partners in rail decide to enter into negotiations ETF and CER will negotiate an Autonomous Agreement to promote women in the rail sector. The Women in Rail Task Force has been given the mandate to prepare the negotiations that should start in the second half of 2019.
Publication October 23, 2018 Rail Mobile Workers: Final project report ETF and CER, European social partners for railways, have been assessing the implementation of their 2004 Agreement on the working conditions of mobile workers in interoperable cross-border railway services.
Press Release December 11, 2017 Rail Sector Social Dialogue appoints new Chair and Vice-Chair, and agrees work programme for 2018-19
News December 10, 2012 Aggression, insecurity and the feeling of insecurity in rail passenger transport
Publication May 29, 2012 DOs and DON’T DOs – a practical guide to promote women in the railway sector We explore the main problems and current developments for women’s employment in the rail sector in the areas of recruiting, reconciliation of work and private life, career and equal pay and overall equality policies. We then suggest concrete actions to improve women’s employment. This guide will guide others and help avoid mistakes.
News December 10, 2010 Employability in the Face of Demographic Change – Prospects for the European Rail Sector
Statement June 12, 2007 CER-ETF Joint Recommendations for a better representation and integration of women in the railway sector
Publication June 13, 2005 Representation and integration of women in the railway sector: our study on women in rail