Opportunity to Tender December 18, 2024 Call for Expert: Trade Unions for Better Public Transport (TU4BPT)
Publication May 8, 2024 EU Land Transport Labour Market: A Critical Examination of Trends and Policy Implications Two years ago, the ETF launched a project to look in more detail at the roots of the above trends. Three reports – on road, rail and urban public transport were developed within the frame of the project to cast light on how liberalisation and market-opening policies led to undesirable effects that put at stake the very goals and objectives set by the same policymakers.
News April 22, 2024 Standing still in Solidarity: Workers in the Transport Sector Call for Safer Working Conditions Across the Netherlands on Saturday, trams, buses, metros, and trains came to a standstill for a few minutes. This pause was not due to technical issues or scheduling conflicts; rather, a symbolic protest the rising tide of violence faced by transportation workers. It’s a call to action by trade unions and companies to ensure a safer working condition. The national railways (NS) along with most public transport companies all stopped for three minutes on Saturday night at 10.30pm.
Statement April 22, 2024 ETF, CER and UITP Joint Statement on EU Economic Governance Reform ETF, UITP and CER issued a joint statement, highlighting that achieving the EU’s ambitious climate goals, particularly those related to transport emissions, hinges on significant investments in rail and urban public transport. The existing modal shift objectives established by the EU cannot be realistically achieved without a strong focus on these sectors.
News March 1, 2024 Public Transport: Shortage Crisis threatens Jobs of the Future and Demands Action New reports by the European Commission’s Expert Group on Urban Mobility (EGUM) paint a concerning picture of a 40% rise in driver shortages across Europe since 2020, leaving the continent with a gap of 105,000 drivers. This crisis, fueled by an ageing workforce and competition from other sectors, threatens the smooth operation of public transport systems, which are vital for our cities’ future. ETF demands action now.
News November 27, 2023 ETF joined forces with partners for a Just Transition in Urban Public Transport ETF organized a Sustainable Connections urban public transport networking event on November 24, just a few days before World Sustainable Transport Day. The event was part of the Urban Public Transport Committee (UPTC) workplan and brought together trade unions, environmental organisations, public transport operators/employers, city organisations, active transport advocates and others.
Statement October 24, 2023 Joint Statement: Urgent Call for Accelerated Implementation of RRF in Urban Public Transport On October 24, ETF/UITP issued a joint statement (under downloads above) on the on the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility. This statement called on the European Commission and the Member States to speed up the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plans in the area of urban public transport. It was sent to wide range of EU stakeholders including European Commission and Parliament and member states permanent representatives.
News May 4, 2023 No one left behind: the ETF’s vision for accessible and fair public transport ETF is for more affordable public transport and a sustainable transport system that benefits everyone. In our vision, accessible and fair public transport leaves no one behind.
News April 5, 2023 ETF takes part in EU Expert Group on Urban Mobility to address issues in public transport ETF is actively involved in the Expert Group on Urban Mobility’s sub-group on public transport and shared mobility, which is working towards the implementation of the New EU Urban Mobility Framework.
Statement March 27, 2023 Solidarity with workers across Germany taking strike action for fair pay ETF expresses solidarity with ver.di and EVG, as well as all workers across Germany taking strike action for fair wages.
News March 9, 2023 Unions want to tackle third-party violence surge in public transport Recent events have highlighted the continued risk of third-party violence in public transport. Governments and employers must provide concrete solutions that ensure maximum safety for transport workers and minimise the risk of third-party violence.
News March 2, 2023 ETF takes a stand for democracy and public transport ahead of 2024 EU elections On February 28, a group of EU MEPs, transport workers, and unions protested the European Commission’s undemocratic attempt to force the liberalisation of public transport by rail and road without involving the Council and the European Parliament.
News February 21, 2023 Transport workers and unions rally for democracy: ETF protests European Commission’s attempt to force public transport liberalisation On 28 February, the ETF will take action in Brussels to protest the European Commission’s undemocratic attempt to force the liberalisation of public transport by rail and road behind the backs of the Council and the European Parliament.
Statement January 23, 2023 European trade unions condemn UK government’s anti-strike legislation ETF, EPSU and ETUCE, representing millions of public service, transport and education workers across Europe, strongly condemn the UK government’s plans to legislate on minimum service levels.
News December 20, 2022 Lithuania’s labour issues require European solutions The issues trade unions and transport workers face are not just Lithuanian but European and therefore require a European solution.
News December 5, 2022 Vilnius’ public transport workers take action for fair pay and better working conditions Vilnius’ public transport workers are on strike after negotiations for a collective bargaining agreement to secure fair pay and working conditions broke down.
News October 11, 2022 Geneva’s public transport workers strike for pay justice Public transport workers in Geneva will go on strike for pay justice.
Statement October 5, 2022 Fresh waves of transport strikes will hit Europe until workers secure decent pay Transport workers’ conditions are at an all-time low while the cost of living is at an all-time high, bringing a new wave of strikes in transport. Transport workers are determined to get their due: improved working conditions and fair pay to cope with the cost-of-living crisis.
News July 6, 2022 Fighting the right fight – Europe’s hot summer of strike action When Europe’s politicians and companies refuse to listen, and have no mindset to treat workers as human beings with the right to a decent life based on a decent job with fair pay and conditions… transport workers have no choice but to take strike action.
News June 21, 2022 ETF solidarity with UK transport workers on strike to defend jobs, pay and conditions The ETF stands by its UK unions and their present and future industrial actions.
Press Release May 25, 2022 Frank Moreels and Livia Spera relected leaders of European Transport Workers’ Federation On the occasion of ETF’s 6th Ordinary Congress in Budapest, Frank Moreels and Livia Spera were elected President and General Secretary of the European Transport Workers’ Federation.
News April 19, 2022 On-Demand Transport: Curse or Blessing? Dirk Schlömer, Urban Public Transport Committee Chair shares ETF’s views on on-demand transport.
News February 22, 2022 New ETF Urban Public Transport Committee Welcome to the new 2022 – 2027 Steering Committee of the ETF Urban Public Transport Committee.
Statement October 19, 2021 COP26: ETF & UITP call on EU to put public transport at the heart of climate talks Public transport has a leading role to play in achieving the green transition. It is now time for the European decision-makers to recognise its key role and prioritise our sector in their national plans.
News September 16, 2021 Dutch union FNV’s win against Uber yet another sign that EU law must confirm platform workers are employees The European Commission must take Dutch trade union FNV’s recent win against Uber as a hint and make it clear in the upcoming EU law on platform work that platform workers are employees.
News September 16, 2021 European Mobility Week: Are our cities’ urban mobility workers staying healthy? “Stay healthy.”: Easier said than done for Europe’s urban mobility workers. ETF breaks down the whys and takes us through how local authorities, public transport companies, ride-hailing and delivery platforms can better ensure the health and safety of their workers.
Press Release July 27, 2021 “We will not be intimidated nor be silenced!” – ETF on anti-union climate in Romania On 26 – 27 July, an ETF delegation visited Bucharest in a fact-finding mission aiming to gather the last round of evidence on the state of social dialogue and the anti-union climate in Romania.
Statement July 16, 2021 ETF & EPSU condemn campaign by Romanian government to target and intimidate union USLM The European federations representing transport and public service (ETF and EPSU) condemn the actions of the Romanian government in what appears to be an orchestrated attempt to intimidate ETF and EPSU affiliate USLM with union busting tactics.
News July 6, 2021 ETF warns Commission: Attacks on EU core social values in Romania’s transport sector are still rampant The ETF wrote to the EU Commission President and Commissioners to inform them of the deteriorating situation in Bucharest metro, the attacks on labour rights and call for a meeting to discuss the way forward.
News July 1, 2021 Romania: Stop union-busting in Bucharest metro! Join us in telling Metrorex and the Romanian government they must respect basic labour rights: collective bargaining and social dialogue! Say no to union busting in Bucharest metro! Sign our LabourStart campaign!
News June 14, 2021 Urban public transport workers must be at the core of EU Urban Mobility Framework While we welcome the objective of the new urban mobility framework initiative to increase the share of sustainable transport modes; for the ETF, it’s clear that the transport workers of urban mobility must be at the core of this framework if the EU is to meet climate objectives.
Statement June 2, 2021 ETF to EU Transport Ministers: “It’s time to step up for fair transport!” Ahead of tomorrow’s Transport Council which will see discussions on the Smart Sustainable Mobility Strategy, the ETF implores transport ministers to lead the debate for change and show political will to set the basis and shift the paradigm of low-cost models, liberalisation and competition based on a race to the bottom that has dominated transport policies over the last decades.
Statement April 30, 2021 Labour Day 2021: Policy makers, it’s time to take action for fair transport! Ahead of Labour Day, the ETF addresses an open letter to European and national policy makers to remind them about the reality of transport workers and urge them to take action for fair transport:
News April 29, 2021 Why opening Slovenia’s doors to ride-hailing apps will only worsen working conditions Despite unions’ warnings against further deterioration of already substandard working conditions in on-demand passenger transport, the Slovenian government stays intent on opening its doors to ride-hailing apps under the pretence of “modernisation”. But the ETF and Slovenian union, SDPZ know better.
Statement April 20, 2021 Death threats, a police raid and possible lawsuits: it’s time for the Romanian government to stop intimidation tactics and engage in social dialogue In a statement today, the ETF Executive Committee condemns the attacks on trade union USLM and calls on the Romanian government to engage in genuine and systematic social dialogue.
News March 30, 2021 Mayors and Transport Unions Demand Historic Global Investments in Public Transport to Create 4.6 Million Jobs and Drive COVID-19 Recovery The ETF joins the global unions and cities across the world to demand that governments make an urgent injection of stimulus funding into public transport services and infrastructure in order to drive economic stimulus, create millions of jobs and tackle the climate crisis.
Publication March 18, 2021 Shaping digital transformation in public transport: ETF and UITP’s joint recommendations for a just transition ETF and UITP, social partners in urban public transport, adopt joint recommendations on digital transformation and social dialogue in urban public transport in Europe.
News March 17, 2021 Romanian Ministry of Transport must engage in social dialogue with Bucharest metro workers and withdraw redundancy plans ETF urges the Romanian government to engage with USLM, guarantee the security of USLM President, respect metro employees’ right to social dialogue and withdraw redundancy plans.
News March 11, 2021 “Fair transport remains an objective, rather than a reality” – ETF brings together key stakeholders in discussion on sustainability To kick off Sustainable Transport Days, the ETF brought together key players in EU transport and beyond to reflect on the future of these industries.
Event February 18, 2021 ETF-ETUI Sustainable Transport Days ETF-ETUI Sustainable Transport Days is a series of seminars for ETF affiliates and their members on the topic of Future of Transport policies in Europe. Seminars will kick off with an event open to all on the EU mobility strategy and Fair Transport.
Union Action February 8, 2021 Italy’s public transport workers on strike after employers’ organisations refuse to negotiate renewal of collective agreement Public transport workers in Italy are on strike today to demand negotiations on a national sectoral collective agreement for public transport workers. The action of ETF affiliates FILT-CGIL, FIT-CISL, UILTRASPORTI is a result of the employers’ organisations’ refusal to negotiate the renewal of the agreement that expired on 31 December 2017.
Union Action February 8, 2021 ver.di secures better working conditions and pay for 87.000 public transport workers across Germany amidst pandemic Against all odds, ver.di’s collective bargaining campaign, including a nationwide strike, brought better working conditions and pay for 87.000 public transport workers across Germany.
News February 4, 2021 3F secures ground-breaking national sectoral agreement for delivery riders Danish trade union 3F and the employers’ organisation Dansk Erhverv reached a national sectoral agreement covering Just Eat’s Riders. But this victory is only the beginning: ‘3F and the European trade union movement will not stop fighting for platform workers’ rights!’
Statement February 3, 2021 Deliveroo must act after another rider killed on the job Romulo Sta Ana, a Filipino father of two, is the latest food delivery rider to be killed on the job. The ITF and ETF offer our condolences to the family of Romulo Sta Ana and call on digital labour platforms to be regulated to put an end to the disastrous race-to-the-bottom that has harmed far too many workers already.
Press Release December 9, 2020 EU’s Mobility Strategy must step up its game in shaping socially and environmentally sustainable transport Transport workers are the sector’s “most valuable asset” reads the newly published Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, but proposed initiatives fall short in matching this statement. The ETF reiterates that to fulfil the goals of the Strategy and enable the transition to greener transport, it is essential to address social issues and foster worker engagement.
News December 3, 2020 EU Mobility Strategy – not without transport workers! In its response to the upcoming Strategy for a Sustainable and Smart Mobility, the ETF sets out five key pillars to ensure that future industrial policies for transport combine both employment and climate protection and ensure fundamental change to build an environmental and socially sustainable sector.
News December 2, 2020 ETF affiliates commit to continued Europe-wide fight for fair transport Union responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and a strong recovery that puts social first were at the heart of discussions when ETF affiliates came together online last week.
News November 26, 2020 European trade unions call for more democracy at work The ETUC and ETUFs handed over a petition for more democracy at work to the European Commissioner Nicolas Schmit and MEPs, calling for concrete and rapid actions to guarantee the effective enforcement and compliance of workers’ rights to be informed, consulted and to participate in decision-making before any decision is adopted.
News November 18, 2020 ETF Talks – Digital & Social Disruption: Are the gig economy & fair work compatible? Is the gig economy compatible with fair work? To answer this burning question, we’ve brought together MEP Johan Danielsson, ETF Vice President, Jan Villadsen; ETUI’s Director of Research Department, Nicola Countouris; and ETF’s General Secretary, Livia Spera as moderator.
Publication November 17, 2020 ETF’s take on the Sustainable Urban Mobility Package ETF’s position highlights key demands, our vision of the role of public transport, the role of EU decision-makers and public authorities, our take on Smart Mobility and the need for fair conditions in the sector.
Event October 22, 2020 Digital Transformation and Social Dialogue in Urban Public Transport in Europe – Final Conference European Social Partners in Urban Public Transport held the final conference of their joint project ‘Digital Transformation and Social Dialogue in Urban Public Transport in Europe’. Discussions during the final conference revolved around the presentation of the research results and the future joint recommendations of ETF and UITP with all parties highlighting the importance of an inclusive and participatory approach to digital transformation.
Publication October 14, 2020 Digital Transformation and Social Dialogue in Urban Public Transport European Social Partners in urban public transport, ETF and UITP release the final report of their joint project “Digital transformation and social dialogue in Urban Public Transport in Europe”. The report is available in 7 languages (EN, ES, FR, DE, HU, IT, PL)
Event October 5, 2020 15/10 Conference – Digital Transformation and Social Dialogue in Urban Public Transport ETF and UITP are organising the final conference of the project ‘Digital transformation and social dialogue in urban public transport in Europe’ on 15 October online.
News September 29, 2020 Solidarity with public transport workers striking in Germany Public transport workers all over Germany have gone on strike to fight for fair working conditions. ETF stands in solidarity! ver.di has been calling for a national framework collective bargaining agreement since March, but VKA has spoken out against negotiations despite ver.di’s justified demands.
Union Action September 22, 2020 Enough is enough! – ver.di calls for strike action as German municipal employers block collective bargaining! Strikes are taking place in Germany, as ETF’s German affiliate ver.di prepares actions, and calls on urban public transport workers to strike!
News September 22, 2020 European Mobility Week – ‘Strengthen urban public transport!’ As EU Mobility week draws to a close, the ETF emphasises the importance of strengthening collective urban public transport.
News September 17, 2020 ETF brings transport workers’ voices to the table at social partners’ Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy hearing Yesterday, ETF’s sections made their demands on the future EU mobility strategy loud and clear at the Social Partners’ dedicated hearing. Workers must be at the centre of the strategy if the Commission truly wishes to achieve sustainability in transport.
News September 14, 2020 UTP social partners ETF & UITP discuss COVID-19 & implementation of social dialogue work programme Social partners in urban public transport, ETF and UITP, virtually came together last week to discuss issues affecting urban public transport workers, the impact of the pandemic and the implementation of their joint work programme.
News September 10, 2020 Fair recovery: only if we reform transport policies! Taking the floor at a panel discussion at ETUC’s annual European Works Council conference, Livia Spera, General Secretary of European Transport Workers’ Federation denounced the many transport companies taking advantage of the crisis to lower working terms and conditions and disrespecting social dialogue and consultation rights at all levels.
News July 15, 2020 World Youth Skills Day 2020 – Skills for a resilient transport sector! On World Youth Skills Day 2020, the ETF highlights the need for quality training, skills, room for professional development to attract young workers to the transport sector, but above all emphasises the need for decent working conditions!
News July 8, 2020 ETF appeals to Trio Presidency ministers: It’s time for a fair, socially sustainable transport sector! Responding to their Trio Programme, ETF addressed a letter to transport ministers of Germany, Slovenia, and Portugal, urging them to use their presidencies to steer European transport to a fair future.
News July 8, 2020 ETF decries and condemns assault on French bus driver Philippe Monguillot The ETF is shocked and saddened to learn of the senseless and heinous assault on Sunday, July 5 that lead to the brain death of Philippe, a bus driver in Bayonne. It is high time that companies wake up and do everything they can to protect their employees.
News June 18, 2020 “Do it!” – EU Recovery Plan must pave the way for fair transport ETF joins the ETUC in calling on the EU Council to speed up payment of EU emergency support for health and protecting incomes and jobs and agree on an EU Jobs Recovery Plan for massive investment & solidarity. For the transport industry, a recovery plan should not be back-to-business-as-before – a policy shift must accompany it!
Statement May 20, 2020 COVID-19: ETF reacts to EC’s guidelines for travel and transportation On May 13, the European Commission adopted guidelines and recommendations to “help Member States lifting the travel restrictions”. What is the real added value of these guidelines for transport workers in the EU? The ETF answers this question with comments, recommendations and sector-specific remarks.
News May 13, 2020 COVID-19: ETF decries death of assaulted UK railway worker Belly Mujinga ETF is shocked and devasted to learn of the death of Belly Mujinga, TSSA union member and railway ticket officer for Govia Thameslink Railway (GTR) Southern, who died of Coronavirus in April after being spat on by a member of the public while carrying out her duties.
News April 30, 2020 May Day 2020: Why trade unions matter now more than ever Now more than ever, it is important to acknowledge transport workers all over Europe and highlight the key role unions will play in protecting their working conditions, wages and employment after the health crisis subsides.
Statement April 28, 2020 IWMD: Hold your applause, protect transport workers’ safety! Today, we remember the dead and fight for the living! Transport workers deserve dignity and safety at work and we are fighting for their rights!
Union Action April 23, 2020 COVID-19: Passenger charter is “key element in guaranteeing a safe way to work” in public transport (vida, younion joint action) ETF affiliates vida and younion; the Austrian Chamber of Economics representing the employers, and the Ministry for Climate, Environment, Mobility and Energy have adopted a “Passenger Charter” that aims to create a safe atmosphere and rebuild the trust of passengers and workers after weeks of being warned not to use public transport.
Statement April 22, 2020 ETF addresses letter to German Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure ahead of German Presidency in Council of the EU In the light of the upcoming German Presidency in the Council of the European Union, the ETF has addressed a letter to Andreas Scheuer, Germany’s Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure. We pinpoint the issues in the transport sector that are currently of the utmost urgency in the context of the COVID-19 crisis as well as outline our priorities for the future EU transport policy.
News April 10, 2020 COVID-19: Transport workers have a right to protective equipment! ETF prepared an overview of EU legislation that protects workers’ right to protective equipment in the workplace.
Union Action April 8, 2020 Union action in the time of COVID-19: SEV President, Giorgio Tuti speaks out
Statement April 3, 2020 “Time for real Europeans to stand up!”, says Frank Moreels Frank Moreels, president of European Transport Workers’ Federation, is urging European leaders to take heed as the COVID-19 crisis further exposes the cracks in the foundation of the transport industry.
Union Action April 2, 2020 Union action in the time of COVID-19: Affiliate actions Our affiliates are hard at work defending workers’ rights! You can find their actions here!
Statement March 19, 2020 COVID-19: ETF responds to the outcome of Council of Transport Ministers Meeting In the wake of the informal meeting of the Council of Transport Ministers, the ETF has once again sent a letter to Commissioner Vălean. The ETF waited for the outcome of this meeting, in hopes that concrete measures to protect our transport workers would emerge from it. What emerged was the exact opposite, and we are extremely disappointed in the Council’s (un)willingness to tackle this safety emergency that poses a threat, which grows by the minute, for transport workers.
News March 17, 2020 COVID-19: Latest developments from transport workers around Europe Ahead of tomorrow’s extraordinary meeting of the Council of Transport Ministers, the ETF is once again reiterating its previous demands to the European Commission and has sent an overview of the latest developments in the transport industry.
Statement March 13, 2020 COVID-19: Transport workers need protection and Europe needs to act now! ETF is now once again calling upon the Commission to take concrete action to protect Europe’s transport workers as new developments arise every day. Reports received from around Europe show that some employers are not taking the pandemic seriously, and are putting workers in danger with their failure to act appropriately.
News March 12, 2020 ‘Indispensable’: Workshop highlights role of unions in ongoing digital transformation of Urban Public Transport The social partners in urban public transport, ETF and UITP, the International Association of Public Transport, held the workshop “Digital transformation in customer services and its impact on work in urban public transport” last week in Vienna. Trade unionists and employers spent two days discussing the impact of digitalisation on the public transport sector. The role of trade unions is indispensable in these ongoing transformations, and we are committed and up to the challenge!
News March 9, 2020 COVID-19: ETF calls upon Commissioners Vălean and Schmit to devise a plan that protects transport workers! In view of the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak and its on impact transport workers, we sent a letter to Adina Vălean, Commissioner for Transport and Nicolas Schmit, Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights where we outlined our concerns, and what a plan to remedy the current situation should look like.
News February 8, 2020 Land transport modes come together to discuss digitalisation and automation For the first time, the ETF land transport sections came together to discuss the topic of digitalisation and automation within the scope of ETF’s “ETF Automation & Digitalisation Toolkit (EADT)” project.
News January 29, 2020 ETF and UITP renew commitment to combat violence and insecurity on Urban Public Transport UITP and ETF renewed their Joint Recommendations on “Combating Violence and Insecurity on Urban Public Transport” and commit to their dissemination, awareness-raising through workshops and conferences, and monitoring their implementation at the level of national social partners across Europe. Feeling safe at your place of work or during your commute is a right, not a privilege!
Statement January 15, 2020 European minimum wage initiative – Consultation is underway! On 14 January, the European Commission launched First phase consultation of Social Partners on a possible action addressing the challenges related to fair minimum wages. While the ETF strongly believes that workers of Europe need a pay rise, we don’t support simplistic approaches and half-baked solutions that could endanger the autonomy of social partners around the continent. A simple prescriptive mechanism cannot solve wage stagnation – instead, we need to address the core causes of it, such as precarious work, anti-union measures, digitalisation, and austerity.
Statement December 19, 2019 ETF response to the French decree on changing the working time of coach drivers On 17 December a decree has been signed by the French prime minister Édouard Philippe, temporarily changing the rules on the maximum allowed driving time of coach drivers. This move by the government comes amid the transport workers’ strike in France. The ETF believes that the temporary decree is aimed at undermining the workers’ actions. Additionally, the decree puts the safety of passengers in danger, since longer driving times increase the risk of accidents.
News December 16, 2019 Young transport workers in Europe survey Who are you, young transport workers in Europe? We are curious to know what you think about your work and the future of the sector. What are some of the main issues you face at work and are trade unions there to help you overcome them? How can we do better? Please fill in our short survey!
Statement December 11, 2019 ETF’s first reaction to the European Green Deal ETF welcomes the European Commission’s Communication on the European Green Deal. As representatives of transport workers in Europe, we are perfectly aware that in order to mitigate climate change it is crucial to transform the transport sector. In this first reaction to the Communication, we want to highlight several issues that are crucial for transport workers.
News December 5, 2019 General Strike in France: ETF stands in solidarity! We stand with our French affiliates and support their national strike. May their voices be heard! Solidarity.
News November 25, 2019 Urban Public Transport Workshop shows that Trade Union involvement is key in “Going Digital” ETF and UITP, the International Association of Public Transport, held the workshop “Digital transformation in maintenance and its impact on work in urban public transport” on 20 and 21 November 2019 in Paris to discuss the impact of digitalisation on the public transport sector.
News November 25, 2019 Time’s Up for Violence Against Women! To mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, ETF’s Acting General Secretary, Livia Spera, has joined other women trade union leaders in signing a letter to the European Commission President-designate Ursula von der Leyen, and Equality Commissioner-designate, Helena Dalli, on their proposals to increase EU action against violence against women.
News November 19, 2019 World Toilet Day 2019: Toilet rights are a human right! The lack of accessible sanitation facilities and sufficient break times is an issue that heavily affects transport workers in all sectors. That’s why today of all days especially, the ETF calls for safe, decent and sufficient toilets and other sanitation facilities for all transport workers in Europe.
News October 4, 2019 Trade unions and employers discuss digital changes in public transport operations
News September 20, 2019 Transport workers for climate justice ETF joins the Global Action Week for Climate and calls for climate justice for transport workers!
Info May 29, 2019 Social dialogue in UPT: our achievements We work with our social partners to promote the use of public transport, to improve working conditions, and to strengthen women’s representation. Over the years, we’ve developed a number of joint statements, recommendations and positions. Check out our achievements!
News May 28, 2019 ETF supports Dutch transport workers in strike for fair pensions Dutch workers are fighting for the right to enjoy their pension in good time, and without financial worries. As transport workers stand united, there will be no bus, train, tram or metro driving that day in the Netherlands.
News May 15, 2019 Urban Public Transport Committee Elects New Chair Susanne Gällhagen of the Swedish union Kommunal is the new President. She is the first woman to chair the Urban Public Transport Committee.
Press Release May 9, 2019 ETF Appoints Livia Spera as Acting General Secretary Today our Executive Committee, meeting in London, approved the nomination of Livia Spera as Acting General Secretary. Livia was until now the Political Secretary for Dockers and Fisheries, and will take on the role immediately.
Statement March 29, 2019 ETF is moving forward! As we celebrate the success of our Fair Transport campaign, we are already at work creating the ETF of the future. A special conference gathered affiliates to set a course and explore new ways of working. Commitment was strong, and now it is time to build an even stronger federation for Europe’s transport workers!
News March 27, 2019 Thousands of workers block Brussels for Fair Transport Workers from every corner of Europe and every transport sector brought our campaign to a dizzying end. Thousands marched on the European Commission demanding decent work and the end of social dumping.
News March 26, 2019 Fair Transport action week: day four It’s the final day of actions around Europe, and many affiliates start their journey to Brussels. Meanwhile, our rally in Strasbourg attracts the support of MEPs.
Event March 26, 2019 Transport workers, trade unions and MEPs all together for a Fair Transport Our Fair Transport action week is for workers and policymakers all over Europe. But of course the European Parliament is a very special audience for us. That is why hundreds of transport workers from different countries were in Strasbourg today for a demonstration with trade unions and MEPs.
News March 25, 2019 Fair Transport action week: day three The third day of our action week saw workers demanding fair transport on boats, underground, at ports and at airports…
News March 24, 2019 Fair Transport action week: day two Day 2 of our international action week sees another impressive mix of actions, debate and personal stories – as ever more workers start the trip to Brussels for our demonstration on 27 March.
News March 23, 2019 Fair Transport action week: day one The first day of our Fair Transport action week is behind us and ETF affiliates have already taken part all over Europe. We are astonished at the support that we got in only 36 hours.
News February 27, 2019 It’s time to take Fair Transport Europe to the next level! In just one month, thousands of workers will be converge on Brussels for a huge demo to mark the high point of our Fair Transport Europe campaign against social dumping. We will march through the city and raise our voice to demand that politicians and employers put an end to exploitation and unfair competition!
News February 7, 2019 Trade unions and employers debate challenges in urban public transport in Poland and the Baltics Workshop in Warsaw gathers participants from four countries and the European Commission for discussions about the future of public transport in the region and the role of collective bargaining.
News December 17, 2018 Romanian subway workers win fight for better pay Romanian metro workers have won a victory at the Bucharest subway operator Metrorex. After a long dispute, which involved the threat of a general strike and the resignation of the Romanian Minister of Transport, the company management and our affiliate USLM (ATU Romania) agreed on a 20% wage increase for the 2018-2019 period.
News November 15, 2018 Japanese transport workers’ delegation visits ETF They learned about the struggles of European transport workers, the ETF, and the main activities within the railway section.
News November 9, 2018 Trade unions, employers and municipalities meet in Sofia and Prague to discuss challenges in urban public transport in Central and Eastern Europe
News December 20, 2017 Uber is a transport company – ECJ backs professional drivers Today’s ruling is a real victory for professional drivers across Europe – whether they work for Uber or more traditional companies.
Statement September 22, 2017 Public transport in public hands Public transport is a public service which must be for the benefit of citizens and communities.
Statement September 22, 2017 Sustainable urban mobility – our policy We carefully watch EU public transport policy, and intervene whenever changes might affect workers.
Event May 25, 2017 Addressing the ‘mega trend’ on sustainable transport Automation and digitalisation, globalisation, climate change and demographic change were all up for discussion at the second #ETF2017 roundtable event, this time themed around sustainable transport.
Publication December 22, 2016 Training trade union activists to influence public transport policy Workers and their unions can have real impact on the political decisions that establish urban public transport markets.
Publication December 22, 2016 Practical ideas to increase women’s participation in urban public transport WISE II offers data on the development of women’s employment, and examples of actions to promote it.
Press Release December 12, 2016 ETF Mobilises in Strasbourg against amended PSO regulation on public transport
Publication September 22, 2015 Social conditions in urban public transport companies in Europe The link between awarding processes and working conditions is a constant topic of debate between trade unions and employers.
Statement November 14, 2014 Social partners for urban public transport back sustainable taxis Denouncing the unfair business practices of Uber and similar platforms.
Press Release April 10, 2014 ETF and UITP unite to promote the continuous training of professional bus drivers in urban public transport
Statement April 8, 2014 Urban bus drivers deserve a decent workplace Bus drivers spend their entire working day in the bus, behind the steering wheel.
Statement April 4, 2014 Social Partners Release Joint Recommendations on Women’s Employment in UPT ETF and UIPT aim to increase share of women up to at least 25% by 2020 and to 40% in 2035.
Press Release December 3, 2013 ITF and UITP unite with a vision to promote the development of public transport worldwide in the medium- and long-term
Publication September 22, 2011 Women’s employment in urban public transport – a European perspective EU-funded WISE 1 project investigated women’s employment and gender equality in European public transport companies, associations and trade unions.
Publication September 22, 2007 Trade Union Guide to the EU PSO Regulation Trade unions must act politically at national, regional and local level to save public transport and decent conditions.